Category: Punta Mita Living

Celebrating Punta Mita Food & Golf Events: Legacy of Unparalleled Experiences

Punta Mita LivingWest Coast

The first Punta Mita Gourmet & Golf (PMGG) was not only the beginning of what is now a much anticipated annual event, but also the catalyst to design other notable events that celebrate golf, spirits and cuisine. The galas, particularly the PMHH, have grown from attracting modest audiences of golfers, gourmands, residents and visitors to ….  Read More

Golf Kitchen Punta Mita: A Masterful Epicurean Event

Golf KitchenMexicoPunta Mita LivingWest Coast December 7th, 2018 A version of this article also appeared in Punta Mita Living in Issue 12, 2018/2019 The debut of Golf Kitchen, a brilliantly designed food, drink and golf event, was not only sensational but also an overwhelming success that earned it a place on the annual Punta Mita calendar. The April celebration ….  Read More